quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2012


Inglês - Brincando com os verbos

É gostoso e fácil aprender inglês quando separamos os verbos pela pronúncia. Observe:
1º Grupo - verbos que o "a" tem som de "êi".
To play: jogar
To pray: rezar
To pay: pagar
To make: fazer
To say: dizer
To lay: pôr, deitar
To take: tomar
To shake: sacudir
To break: quebrar
To wake: acordar

2º Grupo - verbos que o "i" e "ly" tem o som de "ai".
To cry: chorar
To fly: voar
To try: tentar
To dry: secar
To drive: dirigir
To write: escrever
To lie: mentir, jazer (estar deitado)
To ride: cavalgar, andar de bicicleta
To rise: erguer-se
To smile: sorrir
To find: encontrar
To light: iluminar
To slide: escorregar
To shine: brilhar
To bite: morder
To fight: lutar, brigar
To like: gostar

Obs: Aproveite para comentar e costrua frases em inglês. Ex: I like to play football. (eu gosto de jogar futebol.)


37 comentários:

  1. Gosteii muitoo Professora!

    I want to eat CAKE.
    I want to SMILE.
    I love to WRITE.
    I am very HAPPY.
    I want to play VOLLEYBALL.
    I want to drive a CAR.

    Hanne Maysa'' 7º Série 'a'

    1. I find my friends.
      I like to break things.
      I will say what feel.
      Let's pray it does not rain.
      Let's smile.

      Douglas Anselmo 2ºANO "A" - Tarde

    2. i like to break things
      i am very happy
      let's smile.

      ASS: Kennedy da silva 2ºA tade

    3. i like to break thjngs
      i will say whatfeel
      let's smile

      ass: Gessé 2º A tarde

  2. Renato Santos 8°B o melhor site do mundo kkkk

  3. I like TO TAKE coffee.
    I do not know how TO DRIVE.
    I do not like TO LIE.
    I like TO PLAY tennis.
    I like TO RIDE a bike.

    Emerson Túlio 2° Ano "A" - Tarde

  4. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  5. Want To Search
    I Want To Pay
    I Want To Wash
    I Want To Play
    I Want To Live
    By:Wesleey Lucaas

    Gostei mt Professora Desse Blog !

  6. Ficou muito bom e outra coisa agora da para estudar o english em casa
    Dilson pedro da silva júnior '8B'

  7. Thaise Lima,2 ano "A"

    I'd like to play guitar.
    i'd want to wake so later.
    My dream is one day to fly
    Crying is good.
    I want to break free.

    Camila Karolaine, 2º ano "A"

    I like my friends.
    I don't like to lie.
    I don't know to drive.
    Your smile is very nice.
    I love his smile.

  8. Respostas
    1. Raylanne Deise 2º ano "A"
      let's smile
      let's play
      i am very happy
      I like my friends.
      My dream is one day to fly

  9. I like to play
    I pay the bills
    She does not like to wake up early
    He likes to kiss
    I like to eat
    I know driving

    Laís Bruna 2º Ano "A"

  10. Evandra Gabrielly 1° ano "a"

    I like to play

    I like to break things

    i like to break thjngs

    i will say whatfeel

  11. Maria Thereza- 2º A

    I love your smile.

    Write it fast!

    Let's ride a bike?

    You like me?

    Let's play catch-up?

  12. I do not like playing football.
    Always remember to live happily!
    You Will Live Beautiful moments!
    You Will Love Play with me.
    You Will Dance Again! Bye Teacher!

  13. I like to play soccer.
    I know how to drive.
    I like to pray.
    I talk to my friends everyday
    I´play tenis once a week.

    Valéria lins 2° ano A

  14. I like to cats.
    I need to pray.
    I like to write.
    You will cry?
    She likes to smile.

    Thamires araujo 2° ano A

  15. The study is the tool of the future;
    I like to pray;
    Trust is the foundation of everything;
    I love my family;
    I like to drive;
    Life is beautiful place to live.

    Áquila Michele 2° ano "A" tarde.

  16. 1- I love writing I think is what I do in the future.
    2- the good life is smiling
    3- we study English with the teacher Patrycia
    4- like drinking juice at lunch
    5- I like to have fun with my friends

    Karolaine Portela De Carvalho Marques 8º "A"

  17. was very good to play with verbs
    lucas e edson da 8a

  18. I like football
    you go tho beach
    she tho play videogame
    he drive the limusine
    i love to drink

    Alunos; josé victor,paulo alcantara,gabriel henrique 9º ano A manhã

  19. I love to play; i love to dance; i love much to held.

    Maria Tereza e Amanda Simonelly; 8ª Série"A"

  20. 1- I love singing.
    2- I like to hang out with my friends.
    3- I like to snack every afternoon.
    4- I drink juice all day.
    5- Love smiling all the time.

    Aluno: Renato Santos, Layana e Mauro
    Serie: 8° B

  22. Esse blog é muito bom, faz as palavras ficarem mais facil. aqui estão as 5 frases.
    I like you
    I play playstation 2
    I not lie
    I drive the car to my father
    I smile all day.
    aluno-Paulo Ricardo da 8°b

  23. The study is the tool of the future;
    I like to pray;
    Trust is the foundation of everything;
    I love my family;
    I like to drive;
    Life is beautiful place to live.

  24. Luciana Andréa 1°A ..
    1-I like to smile
    2-I like to take bath
    3-I like to singing
    4-I like to have fun with my friends
    5-I like to write.

  25. Lais Aguiar (2 ano "A" tarde)
    1-I want to eat cake.
    2-I like to ride a bike.
    3-I love his smile.
    4-I know how to drive.
    5-I love to dance....

  26. ...carla cristina 2 ano A escola prof galtemir lins...

    I love god.
    I love my friends.

    #Each day I live
    I want to be a day to give the best of me
    I'm only one,but not aone.
    my finest day is yet unknown.....................................................kiss....

  27. Rafael Cavalcante , (1 ano "A" manhã)
    tá ae, fiz duas atividades, essa e a tradução da música .

    Base Past Past Portuguese
    Form Tense Participle Translation
    ------- ------- --------------- -------------------

    arise arose arisen surgir, erguer-se
    awake awoke awoken despertar
    be was, were been ser, estar
    bear bore borne suportar, ser portador de
    beat beat beaten bater
    become became become tornar-se
    befall befell befallen acontecer
    beget begot begotten, begot procriar, gerar
    begin began begun começar
    behold beheld beheld contemplar
    bend bent bent curvar
    bet bet bet apostar
    bid bid bid oferecer, fazer uma oferta
    bind bound bound unir, encadernar, obrigar-se
    bite bit bitten morder
    bleed bled bled sangrar, ter hemorragia
    blow blew blown assoprar, explodir
    break broke broken quebrar
    breed bred bred procriar, reproduzir
    bring brought brought trazer
    broadcast broadcast broadcast irradiar, transmitir
    build built built construir
    buy bought bought comprar

  28. Ariely Flávia, 8° ano 'A' Manhã
    >I have to go home
    >She was invited to go to my party
    >Even living here,you have to go away
    >There's no way to go to the school today
    >They managed to go
    >You sister sent a message to go to the church today
    >I've been there to go help'em
    >You're the same way.. have to go change.
    >No reason to go soon
    >You mom had to go to the supermarket
